Grampians Pure

Nature offers the best ingredients to soothe and heal. Find us at the Queen Vic Market Organic Section, Saturday & Sundays or @

I began this project in 2006; partly as a result of a friend telling me about his dry skin and the problems he was having solving this. His wife described his skin as ‘parchment paper’. It was extremely dry and the skin would flake off. He could use no commercial soap, nor could he find a ‘healthy soap’ that he could use without adverse reactions. I figured, “Well this can’t be too difficult, it is basic alchemy”.

I recalled seeing a movie with Dudley Moore; he was playing the role of an advertising executive. One of the things he talked about was the ‘honesty’ of the advertising business. He talked about shampoo and conditioners and that a shampoo was designed to strip the hair of its natural oils so you had to use their conditioner to make the hair ‘feel good’ again. The shampoo served no other purpose than, solely so you would have to buy another product.

I began my research, Internet, in books and health food stores. I then looked at what ingredients were in existing products and why. What I discovered, was exactly what Dudley had said. Soap, shampoo and so called ‘skin care products’ are, a self-perpetuating business. For example; Glycerine is produced naturally, as a result of making soap with natural ingredients.

Making soap in this way it takes around 3 months to cure, before it can be used. This is bad for commercial makers, as it would create one very large storage problem, among other things!

So, their solution is to tell you how wonderful glycerine is for your skin and then take the glycerine out of the soap and sell it to you as an additive in cosmetics, to moisturize your skin.

Good idea, except for the fact that glycerine ceases to work as a natural moisturizer once you remove it from the soap.

It will only act as a moisturizer, if the humidity is above 65%, if it isn’t, the glycerine will pull the moisture from under the skin, beneath the surface skin.

Now they don’t have a storage problem and have created another business.

If one were to examine the ‘declared ingredients’ of any soap or skin product one will find some very strange things.

It is common to find ingredients which are suspected as being ‘cancer causing’, or known to be skin irritants.


Because now, you will have to buy something else to handle the effects of the product you have just used on your body.

Do you see the revolving circle you’re trapped in?

The Grampians Pure products, are actually pure, and made in a way so that the natural nutrients of the ingredients are not destroyed with heat. These products are actually good for the skin.

They are made from the very best ingredients, sourced locally and from around the world.

In today’s advertising there is much talk about pH balance.

Not many really know what this is, or what it has to do with anything, except they should be careful about it or some such.

Actually, it is an acid mantle or coating on the skin. It is there to keep bugs away and protect the skin from elements of the environment.

Goats milk is a popular soap as the pH of Goats milk is almost exactly the same as normal human skin.

By statistics, it is probably true that more than one in four people are aware of the fact that they have a problem with their skin being in trouble in some way.

And then, there are the lies that pass for truth in advertising that people are allowed to get away with.

There are many products on the market that claim to be 100% natural.

If one were to examine the ingredients, as I have, you will find that this is very far from the truth.

Soap does not need to be anywhere near as complicated, or with anywhere near the number of ingredients in them as they have.

The additives are there only for ‘commercial’ reasons.

Commercial skin care treatment, skin products and cosmetics are the most common cause of people’s skin disorders.

They are designed that way.
